Bio-Organic. Fair Trade.

AgroFair Projects

25 years of practical, operational business experience successfully linking small farmers in Africa and Latin America to fair and sustainable international value chains.

Our mission

Help developing countries or regions to innovate and give small farmers and traders access to better logistics, finance and payment systems, information exchange, training and education. Support small farmers and rural communities in developing countries to:

  • Gain a better share from regional and international agricultural markets
  • Increase their product quality and improve their management systems
  • Improve their ecological footprint and sustainability of their cultivation
  • Solve important plant health problems menacing their livelihoods

Our projects

Soil disease that kills banana plants

The spread of the disease is a multi-faced disaster. In many countries the banana or plantain is a key commodity for local markets and absolutely vital for food security. The main banana industry is betting on the development of a TR4 resistant Cavendish banana, but the results of this effort are highly uncertain.

Plastic Recycling BANANICA: From bunch bags to corner boards

In Peru’s banana sector (+/- 10,000 hectares), an estimated 20 million plastic bags are used annually for this purpose, some 450 tonnes of plastic altogether. An awful lot of this plastic waste used to be disposed of in landfills, incinerated or even worse, dumped on plantations or by the roadside. Thankfully, this is now gradually changing for the better.

Pallets with blocks made of pressed banana fibre

The past year saw the completion of a remarkable initiative in Costa Rica: the construction of a pilot plant for pallets with blocks made of pressed banana fibre. Test results so far are great: compared to traditional wooden blocks, banana fibre blocks give the pallets greater strength and are less likely to come loose

Senegal: improving bananas for the local market

The demand on the domestic market is bigger than the local supply, so every week bananas are imported, mostly from Côte d’Ivoire. With the support of AgroFair and others, the seeds are planted for higher productivity, better quality and a stable supply, to serve the high-end and rewarding banana markets in the urban centers

What we do

  • We formulate and implement investment and capacity building projects and programmes with organized small producers, with co-funding from private and public development agencies.
  • We offer our expertise in consultancy services for the development of value chains of tropical fruit and vegetables.
  • We promote research to make banana production systems more resilient.
  • We reflect on our work, try to draw lessons and make these available to others. Now and then we are present at international banana congresses (such as ACORBAT, ISHS, MUSALAC) with presentations and articles.
  • We are active member of the World Banana Forum and the Water Footprint Network.